Hanzala, the graphic symbol of Palestinian resistance

Hanzala, the graphic symbol of Palestinian resistanceHanzala, the graphic symbol of Palestinian resistance

Hanzala, a world symbol and the first graphic symbol of Palestinian resistance, is the signature of martyr Naji al-Ali, who was certified by Mossad for his cartoons.

Hanzalah means bitter fruit. A bitter fruit that does not allow the olives and grapes of the usurped land of Palestine to be sweet in the taste of its usurpers.

Hanzaleh is a witness to all the sufferings that befall his nation.

Hanzala with the people of Gaza

Hanzala is probably Naji al-Ali, a boy who is 10 years old (the same age when the Zionist regime forced Naji al-Ali to leave Palestine), and barefoot, ragged and unsmiling with hanging shoulders and hands tied behind his back.

Hanzaleh is stable and firm in all the works of Naji al-Ali, which means that Palestine must remain firm and firm in front of all the compromise changes of the Arab world, in front of the issue of occupying Palestine. When Hanzala feels that Palestinian ideals need defending, she writes slogans on the walls, throws stones, holds Palestinian victory flags and sometimes takes refuge in the arms of the Palestinian mother.

Hanzaleh appears in demonstrations against Israel as a symbol of Palestinian resistance.

"I never thought that this Palestinian boy, who is present in all the cartoons of Naji Al-Ali, would take my heart with him to the alleys of Sabra and Shatila and be an inspiration to many Iranian and foreign artists."

Mahmoud Darvish

Hanzala is a part of people's life (in the form of a product)

Hanzaleh is the embodiment of all children who want to pronounce the name of their land correctly, unfinished children living in unfinished lands with unfinished childhood.

Hanzaleh suffers every day in every part of this world that the jackals grabbed... Once with malnutrition, once with a heavy burden on her shoulders, once with a phosphorus bomb, once with a night attack, once with the shootings of the Zionist settlers, once with the sound of bullets and explosions and explosions (Nazar Qabbani)... Mahmoud Darvish said "Israel was built on the ruins of my childhood"

Today, the childhood of Mahmoud Darwish, Naji Al-Ali and Edward Saeed and thousands of other oppressed people is still under the rubble and they live the dream of resistance and struggle...

Hanzale with the people of Beirut

Footnote: On August 29, 1987, Naji Al-Ali was assassinated by the Mossad while he was on his way to work at the office of Kuwait's "Al-Qabs" newspaper in London. Naji Al-Ali was assassinated, but Hanzala neither grew up nor was assassinated, but continues his life as a character against oppression.

That child was a polarizing arrow that kept pointing towards Palestine; Not only Palestine in geographical dimensions, but in its human sense. the symbol of a single movement; Whether it is located in Egypt, Vietnam or South Africa.

Click hereto see the book of Naji Al-Ali's works.