About the Norwegian painter and graphic artist Edvard Munch

About the Norwegian painter and graphic artist Edvard MunchAbout the Norwegian painter and graphic artist Edvard Munch

Norwegian painter and graphic artist Edvard Munch was born in Norway in December 1863; Edvard's childhood was full of bitter and sad experiences; Edvard's mother and sister died of tuberculosis, which had a devastating effect on Edvard's mental health.

While studying engineering, Edvard began studying and researching art and joined some of the realist painters of his time; At the time, he was also influenced by a writer named Hans Jagger, who espoused ideologies of the relationship between woman, love, and death.

Munch's work in the 1880s had a hint of realism, with The Sick Child being one of the most popular realist works by Norwegian artists. In 1892, an organization called the Berlin Artists' Association was formed in Germany, to which Edvard Munch was also invited; Edvard's paintings were opposed by many critics, which led to the closure of the exhibition; But Munch did not give up and stayed in Germany for a long time to hold other exhibitions.

In 1909, Munch returned to Norway to look for new paintings of beautiful Norwegian landscapes and the lives of farmers and workers; This new vision turned into his murals at the University of Oslo, which attracted the attention of many artists and art lovers.

During World War I, Munch returned to his old days, and again his paintings took on the color of love and death; Edvard Munch died in 1944 at the age of eighty in his native Norway.

One of the most prominent and famous works of Edvard Munch is the painting "Scream", which he created in 1896; One day, Munsh was walking along the river, tired and sad, when the image of the sunset stared at him, and this image inspired him to paint Scream; Somehow this scream came out of him; The Scream Panel is a symbolic work of modern society.

hand print