A conversation with Masoud Nejabati, the artistic secretary of the National Graphic Festival "Minute 55"

A conversation with Masoud Nejabati, the artistic secretary of the National Graphic Festival "Minute 55"A conversation with Masoud Nejabati, the artistic secretary of the National Graphic Festival "Minute 55"

Master Masoud Nejabati, designer and graphic artist named Mazares and artistic secretary of the National Graphic Festival "Minute 55" said: In wars, incidents and events usually happen that shake the human spirit, so that every human being reacts freely. One of these very rare and at the same time shocking events is the bombing of the athletes of the two football teams of Ilam and Chavar in 1986, which was carried out by the planes of the Baath regime, an incident that is unique in the history of wars.

Najabati further said: I did not know about this incident for some time, but since I was informed about this issue through friends of the Ilam art field, I felt a commitment to it.

This designer and famous international figure in the field of graphics said: During the eight years of imposed war, no important work and effective action has been taken regarding this important event. When we examine the issue, we find out that Ilam has the longest border with Iraq, having a 430-kilometer common border with Iraq. And definitely, with such a border, very special events have happened in this field, which we, as artists, have been neglected until now.

The artistic director of the "55th minute" festival added: According to international conventions, usually sports and sports venues in war and conflict between countries should not be attacked by the parties. But despite such laws, the Baath regime in Ilam committed a crime that calls the conscience of the human society to react against this incident. Therefore, according to the Supreme Leader's emphasis on this issue, as artists, we have an obligation to such an incident, and we have organized this festival to reflect it in the eyes of the world.

Nijabati further said: Accordingly, by inviting professional graphic designers from all over the country, on 10st to 12rd of February 2022 to Ilam, we will witness the creation of works in which artists will address the various aspects of this event in the form of graphic art.

Professor Najabati added: After creating works by graphic artists, the jury selects and introduces three selected works in the closing ceremony of this festival. The first winner will be awarded a special gold medal of this festival along with a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize, the second winner will be awarded a silver medal, a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize, and the third winner will be awarded a bronze medal, a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize.

The secretary of the National Graphic Festival "Minute 55" continued to say: Of course, we will give twenty million Rials to each of the graphic artists invited to the festival, who are somehow among the best in their province, along with a thank you plaque.

Finally, these works will be exhibited in the form of an exhibition collection during the 2022 World Cup in Doha, Qatar; So that the world will know that during the eight-year war, the people of this country were oppressed. At the end, he added: I would like to thank all the organizations and departments of the province, including the Ilam Governorate, who have helped our colleagues in the secretariat in organizing this national festival.